Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June-November 2011 LAE for Crammers Review Schedules:

June 4-5;
June 11-12;
July 23-24;
August 20-21;
September 17-18;
October 8-9;
October 15-16;
November 5-6; and
November 12-13.

Review Fee: P6,000.00/person inclusive of the two-day lecture and the updated LAE Testmanship Package; with discounts for group registration

Venue: UP University Hotel, Diliman, Q.C.

All UP Law Alumni-Lawyer Lecturers

For reservation and inquires, call 218-5930; 0917-7620117

Monday, March 7, 2011

Congratulations to the 2011 LAE for Crammers!!

Congratulations to the 2011 LAE for Crammers who are qualified for admission for AY 2011-12, University of the Philippines, College of Law:

1. Bareo, Janine Rue Patag
2. Dalman, Patrick Baquiran
3. Fabella, Lindsey Supremo*
4. Francisco, Francis Gacayan
5. Guevara, Ivana Adrienne Noelle Doria*
6. Hernandez, Kym Leiner Coronel*
7. Imbat, Oswald Pangram Uyen
8. Juan, Ciara Angeli Gallardo
9. Manalo, Manfred Neale Mendoza
10. Manibog, Korina Ana Toscano*
11. Mariano, Patricia Luz Magat
12. Migrino, Erika Paola Maputi
13. Miranda, Rachel Angeli Blay*
14. Musni, Merwen Wretzel Quiambao
15. Piedra, Angelo Francisco Boayes
16. Vallente, Jessa Marie Himo*

We are proud of you!!

*Purchased LAE for Crammers Testmanship Package